Sorry to throw lots of instructions at you of things to do.
It looks like the questions have been answered.
Webmail is basically your email account that you can access on the
In simple terms, if you go abroad, you can access emails from the
World Wide Web ( www )
Try sending yourself an email, and see what error it throws up,
A box should pop up saying that an error has occured.
When you do get that error post it in this newsgroup, and it will help
us to help you.
There are 2 types of servers
POP3 = Incoming emails
SMTP= Outgoing emails ( The one you are struggling with )
I use Hotmail, and it tells me to download an Outlook connecter, a
piece of software that links up my Outlook ( email software ) to
Hotmail email account.
I will be checking this newsgroup, so if you are still struggling, I
can somehow help you and talk you through setting up the account.
Please don't give any personal account details away to anybody.
Chat soon
On Fri, 19 Aug 2011 23:47:43 +0100, "john smith"
Post by john smithPost by Ritchie ValensJohn,
Check Log files to see if an error has come up, in the transfer of
your email process?
How do I do that? I'm pretty clueless with computers...
Post by Ritchie ValensFailing that, check spam bin, and find out if attatchments have been
filtered out.
Nothing in my spam bin: It's my OUTGOING emails that people aren't
receiving. It's financially crippling, too...
Post by Ritchie ValensTry Logging into webmail, ( I assume you have a Virginmedia old NTL
world account )
What's "webmail" when it's at home? Google throws up hundreds of hits...
I could try from my Yahoo account (in fact, I've had to), but why shouldn't
I do it using Virgin from my professional working out? What pay for a
service that doesn't work properly?
Post by Ritchie ValensGood Luck
On Fri, 19 Aug 2011 17:13:33 +0100, "john smith"
Post by john smithHi there!
I wonder if you can help me?
I work from home and have been sending in work and invoices but my emails
haven't all been getting through, which is very annoying and may lead to my
going overdrawn. Could you take a look at the problem and see if it's at my
end or yours?
Thanks in advance!
Life is Good !!!
Life is Good !!!